Our Mission

Today, the Mission of Camp Tillicum is to operate a not-for-profit camp for boys and girls that fosters healthful recreation.  Tillicum is a life experience that offers a special and safe place where youth can share common experiences, realize new abilities, form friendships and enjoy the beauty of nature. Camp Tillicum has been, and will continue to be, a destination centre for youth-oriented programs, education, and personal development.
Through our partnership with the YMCA we have been able to introduce the camp experience to numerous children. Many of these children wouldn't have had the opportunity to take part in a summer camp if not for Tillicum, due to financial constraints.  
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Camp Renewal Project

In order to ensure that Camp Tillicum continues to serve as a key resource for youth, the Camp Tillicum Board of Directors recognized the need that the property itself had to be renovated and revitalized. While the new Redpath Youth Centre is now complete, we are still working towards reaching our fundraising goal.